Who will Judge the Judges?

The judges are the ombudsman of the people, there should be a check on their powers to make sure that they don’t enjoy Carte Blanche's powers. 
State Surveillance

The Conundrum of Right to Privacy and State Surveillance

There are no laws that allow for surveillance in India. The two laws covering interception are the Indian Telegraph Act and the Information Technology Act.
Article 12 of The Constitution of India, 1950

Article 12 of The Constitution of India, 1950

Article 12 of Indian Constitution States: In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, “the State’’ includes the Government and Parliament of India and the...
Instrumentalities Purpose of Article 12 of the Constitution

Instrumentalities of State for the Purpose of Article 12 of the Constitution of India

Introduction “It is the business of the State to maintain the conditions without which a free exercise of the human faculties is impossible.” - T H...
Articel 370

Article 370 to be scrapped, J&K to be bifurcated

Mr. Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India, has introduced a Bill to remove Article 370 of the Constitution of India along with the...
Preventive Detention

Preventive Detention as Invasion of Individual Liberty

INTRODUCTION India is a multi-cultural country where people of different mindsets live under one common system of law and government, with no other country having...

Altruistic Surrogacy: An Endeavour to Tackle Reproductive Exploitation?

It was in 2018 that India allowed altruistic surrogacy and completely forbid commercial surrogacy in the wake of ‘Reproductive Trafficking’.

Power of the Supreme Court in exercising Judicial Restraint on Constitutional Amendments brought to...

All you need to know about the Judicial Restraint Power of Supreme Court of India on far-reaching policies of Government.
Caste Politics in Uttar pradesh

Caste Politics in Contemporary Uttar Pradesh

Will the backward castes always be a tool in the hands of figures of authority to create a new future for themselves?

The CJI as Master of Roster: Unraveling the Controversial Curtains

The unprecedented press conference on January 12, 2018, held by the four of the Supreme Court’s senior-most judges: Justice Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, M.B. Lokur,...

Constitutional Amendments

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