Article 12 of The Constitution of India, 1950

Article 12 of The Constitution of India, 1950

Article 12 of Indian Constitution States: In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, “the State’’ includes the Government and Parliament of India and the...

National Register of Citizens And The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019

History of NRC in Assam The “National Register of Citizens” abbreviated as NRC is a record of the people which is maintained by the Central...

Reading Gopalan: Tracing the Foundation of Personal Liberty in Free India

This essay discusses Kania J’s judgement in Gopalan focusing on his judicial reasoning in terms of the constitutionality of the Preventive Detention Act and his reading of article 21 along with article 19 and the extent of these rights.
Article Writing Competition

Results @ “Rack Your Brain” – 2nd National Quiz Competition by CCRD

We are glad to receive hundreds of Registration for Online National Quiz on Constitutional Law organised by Centre For Constitutional Research & Development. The...
Migrant Workers

Flattening the Curve at the Expense of One’s Constitutional Rights?

INTRODUCTION When the lockdown was imposed by the government, it aimed to reduce the threatens exposed to life however, the poor migrant workers who had...
Call for Editors

Call for Student Editors; Submit by 25th June 2022

With a view to expand its team, CCRD is inviting applications from students who are interested in interning as editors under the organization.
Articel 370

Article 370 to be scrapped, J&K to be bifurcated

Mr. Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India, has introduced a Bill to remove Article 370 of the Constitution of India along with the...

Why is the abrogation of Article 370 unconstitutional?

A reasonable analysis based on primary legal principles, on the Constitution’s language and on the Court’s own past decisions, will show us that the CAA infracts fundamental rights, in particular the guarantee of equal treatment contained in Article 14.

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019: A Toothless Tiger?

Transgender people incorporate Hijras, Eunuchs, Kothis, Aravanis, and others, who have been a part of Indian culture for a considerable length of time. They...

Power of the Supreme Court in exercising Judicial Restraint on Constitutional Amendments brought to...

All you need to know about the Judicial Restraint Power of Supreme Court of India on far-reaching policies of Government.

Constitutional Amendments

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